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Access to Drones - Update

Updated: Jul 19, 2019

Ever thought about finding an activity that is a bit different, that is new and cutting edge, using state of the art technology? Look no further! Our access to drones course is at the crossroads of yet another stage.

We are preparing a demonstration to present to Rotherfield Parish Council next week, with the intention of proving that we can operate legally and safely on Parish land.

Following this, we hope to then look at scheduling our courses. We invite and welcome anyone keen to get in contact if interested in attending, via our website:

We are working closely with Aspens, a charity that provide care for people with autism.

Janine Jacquin, Involvement Coordinator for Aspens said, "There are a number of people who are under the impression that only non–disabled persons can fly a drone but, after meeting with Ed, I’m pleased to say this isn’t the case. This is a very exciting opportunity for the people we support to be empowered during these courses, to get involved with the latest technology by being able to control a drone, alongside the theory and practical workshops on the videography and photographic opportunities."

At a recent meeting with some of the group members, a spokesperson said,

We love photography yet some of us can’t do a lot of walking due to our disabilities, so we are usually restricted, but flying a drone would be something we can control by ourselves and having this opportunity would be great. It would be very good for us to focus on something new and hopefully take this up as one of our hobbies.

Ed is excited at what lies ahead: "We are almost ready to launch and we are very enthusiastic about the opportunities we will be bringing to people, who may sometimes be at a disadvantage when partaking in activities such as videography and photography because of their disabilities. We can take this moment to prove that they can easily have inclusion in such activities and that it can benefit them in a number of ways - socially, mentally, physically.

It is worth noting that our courses are open to anybody from age 16 upwards, whatever their ability and whether they have had some experience with drones before, or none whatsoever. We want to show people the advantages of such technology, and primarily highlight how to fly drones safely and within the necessary limitations that we have as UAV pilots. Drones are not a toy; there are many factors to take into account when flying an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and educating people about this technology, which is constantly evolving and now a very big part of our culture - be it within media, agriculture, construction - is something we are proud to be doing.

This is a hobby that is very enjoyable and in the right environment you can simply learn to fly a UAV. Equally there are many more levels to the industry and it is important to have localised groups that can pass the correct information to the trainee pilots, if and when it is necessary to do so.

Within the industry there are many developments happening month by month, regarding the rules and regulations in the UK and across Europe. The general public will not be so aware of the current Government Drone Consultation by the Science and Technology Committee. Bringing together organisations like Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) British Model Flying Association (BMFA) Armed Forces, Police, Search & Rescue Organisations, and Government representatives, UAV, FPV & Model Aircraft Pilots, and other prominent people from within the drone industry and community, to give their expert opinion on how our airspace should be controlled. Discussions involving: UAV safety procedures, integration with manned aviation, electronic conspicuity, privacy, public view and acceptance, no-fly zones, high risk locations, airport security, drone defences, U-space, beyond visual line of sight operations, drone deliveries, education and awareness and much more can be viewed on this link:…/f5042b90-992d-46c4-8e9b-3ca3350….

Ensuring safe progression of the industry and operational compliance during flight is essential and If the European Drone Regulation Framework is adhered to in the UK as expected to in July 2020, the way we operate will change quite drastically. It will depend on the platform you are operating, where and why you need to access the airspace, and the weight category of the UAV , as to what permissions you will need to comply with. All UAVs and operators will be registered on a national database, manufacturers will be fitting transponders to the drones prior to purchase, all unmanned aircraft will be visible on the unmanned traffic management system and real-time communication to pilots will be possible in the event that the airspace needs evacuating quickly or to avoid a possible incursion.

Primarily our courses are designed to teach people who wouldn't normally, to practically fly or experience drones as a hobby in a safe environment. Speak with us today and we can arrange to deliver our courses to your organisation or charity and help us to help you, help others."

We are always on the look out for sensible places to run our courses so if you have private land that you would like introduce to us as a possible location then we would love to hear from you too.

Follow the drone code ALWAYS ! Look out for our next blog for further news of our Access to Drones Courses.



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