DJI Drones UK Reseller
DJI Drones UK Reseller
DJI Drones UK Reseller
Phantom 3 Professional
Phantom 3 Professional
More about Drones
More about Drones
UAV Technology in education
Now that drones are easily accessible to almost anyone, it is important to be able to educate on how to use them safely. The students of today are the pilots of tomorrow which is why we have designed our courses to introduce drones to students in the correct environment, in a way that is engaging, educational and fun.
We offer the opportunity for students to get up close to drones and to explore the different applications that they are currently used for; see how a professional flight operation functions and also consider and discuss many topics about uses of drones and how they can be integrated into modern day life.
We aim to encourage a positive mindset towards learning, through the introduction of new technologies, in a new and exciting format.

Week 1 - Drones & Safety
Week 2 - Team Communications
Week 3 Filming on the Ground
Week 4 - Flight Maps & Orientation
Week 5 - Photography
Week 6 - Videography
Courses & Presentation Options
The Drone Code
CAA Rules & Regulations and how to operate RPAS safely.
A presentation including experiences of an approved pro pilot.
Question and answer session.
UAV In Flight
Demonstrating UAV capabilities and functionality whilst in operation.
A showcase of a range of flight modes, GPS positioning technology, and obstacle avoidance sensors.
See a control station and gimbal operating live.
12 Week Course
An entry-level weekly course, covering the basics of everything from safety, ground teams, traditional filming, aerial video and photography, 2D mapping and 3D modeling.
Learn how to operate a drone and payload in a safe and organised environment with experienced qualified and licensed UAV pilots.
The Civil Aviation Authority have granted permission for us to offer course services however they are not official courses with CAA certifications and there is no affiliation.
Access to Drones _ Disadvantaged people in the community
We believe it is important to educate our community and where possible create the opportunity for people with disadvantages or disabilities to access technologies that would otherwise be out of reach. The benefits can be hugely advantageous with participants developing life skills, social interaction, enhanced positivity and responsibility. This type of structured activity is exciting and current which is sometimes what is needed to engage with the more challenging participants and encourages team building values and effective learning.
Our courses and clubs are designed with the purpose of improving self-belief and confidence which can only have a beneficial impact on physical and mental health development. Operating UAV's provides a platform for experience and discussion which will often literally broaden the horizon of all who are involved.
It is imperative that everyone has the opportunity to see that anything is possible. This is a unique activity that if anything gets you outdoors, but when you feel the wind of the propellers, and the buzz it generates as it takes off, rises up into the air and simply sits there providing you with a perspective that could only be witnessed via manned flight, it is an experience not to be missed. If you have an organisation that will benefit from this type of program please get in touch.

Flight Preparation _ Commercial Operations
Prior to any commercial flight we will undertake various checks and obtain permissions to operate at the allocated flight location. We will check NOTAMs (Notice to Airmen) to ensure there are no unusual airspace restrictions. There are many situations that could prevent us from operating in a certain area: airshows, crane operations, firework displays, live laser testing sites, military no-fly zones, local aerodromes, airports, prisons, nature reserves, power stations, and the list goes on. Therefore, it is paramount that we conduct these checks thoroughly so to not compromise our flight plan when scheduled.
In the case that we are operating in an FRZ (Flight Restriction Zone) next to an airport, we require permission from ATC (Air Traffic Control) to fly in controlled airspace. We will make contact directly and liaise as required, so that our flight is conducted safely. The ATC will notify other piloted aircraft of the unmanned flight operation and can reroute flight plans if necessary.
On 20 February 2019, the United Kingdom Government published an amendment to the UK Air Navigation Order 2016 (ANO) which contains its changes to the legislation regarding the operation of small unmanned aircraft1 . The amendment is published as Statutory Instrument (SI) 2019 No. 261 entitled ‘The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2019’. This can be found at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ uksi/2019/261/made. The amendment came into force on 13 March 2019. The amendment makes changes to some aspects of the previous amendment to the ANO that was published on 30 May 2018 . It should be noted that while some parts of this amendment came into force on 30 July 2018, other parts do not come into force until 30 November 2019.
We require permission from the landowner to take off and land on their site, and we will provide the forms to gain the landowners signature prior to any commercial flight operations.
We will request a police reference number at the initial planning stage, so that they are made aware of any flight operations taking place and therefore allow us to operate without any suspicion of illegal activity.
The Drone code _ Issued by the CAA
To ensure UAV's do not interfere with other air traffic and to prevent flight over congested areas, all pilots including PfCO approved, amateur or hobbiest pilots, must abide by the drone code; unless they have a CAA approved Operational Safety Case (OSC) and have demonstrated their redundancy processes in the case of an emergency or equipment failure. See the below diagram to get familiar with the code; we feel it is important for our clients to also know what is permitted. Safe operations is always paramount prior to and during flight.

"There are many different brands to choose from, be it Quadcopters, Hexacopters Octocopters or fixed wing drones. The secret is to select the correct platforms and payloads for the application"
CAA Approved for night operations
To operate drones at night you must be approved by the Civil Aviation Authority and you are required to state your procedures within the company Operations Manual. Once that has been approved you are then issued with a permission on your PfCO.
This stipulates that
Flights at night shall only be conducted in accordance with the approved Ops Manual procedures.
Prior to flying operations, a daylight reconnaissance and site safety assessment, including aircraft flight-paths within the surrounding area, shall be undertaken to identify, address and record any hazards, restrictions and obstacles.
The launch site shall be provided with adequate illumination and the aircraft shall be equipped with adequate conspicuity lighting.
Flights shall only commence when the weather conditions are suitable for continuous VLOS operations.

Sussex & Kent Drone Club

We are an official drone club, affiliated with the British Model Flying Association, established in April 2019. Our focus was creating a safe environment in which to learn and explore how to operate drones, otherwise known as UAV, RPAS, UAS, multi rotor or copters.
Our monthly meetings give the opportunity for novice and hobbiest pilots to communicate with like-minded people and learn about different aircraft, see a range of drones in flight, and most importantly, have fun flying drones.
The initial seed that inspired the launch of the Sussex & Kent Drone Club was greatly due to the disruption at Gatwick Airport, which raised many concerns about the industry.
The subsequent squeeze of new regulations in 2019 has vastly decreased the amount of airspace we can operate within, be it hobbiest or commercial piloting. We see it as essential that we maintain areas in which to promote this great hobby or career choice.
Our club offers a wealth of education regarding rules, regulations and procedures, and we adopt a strict club code to ensure safe operations during flight sessions.
Based in ROtherfield
Our main flying site is situated on the edge of beautiful vast woodland with an opening of fields, giving excellent line of sight and great aerial panoramic views. The land is privately owned, on the outskirts of Rotherfield Village in East Sussex and we have full landowner permission to take off and land from the property. See map below.
MembershiP through an affiliated Club
BMFA insurance cover commences from the moment you pay your Club joining fee. You do not have to wait for receipt of your BMFA membership card. as long as you have been formally registered and have paid up as a member of our Club.
We offer temporary BMFA membership to visitors to our Club from within the UK, who are not BMFA members but have been invited to use our flying facilities on a temporary basis. A non-refundable fee of £5 is payable for a single period of 30 days.
Club liability insurance can be extended to cover first time visitors to our Club who have no previous experience of model flying but are seeking to try out model flying prior to joining our Club. However, in this case cover will only be in place when the flights are being personally supervised by a nominated Club member approved by the Club Committee. No charge will be made for this additional cover; however, cover will only be in place for a maximum of 3 days for any one first time flyer. After this initial 3 day period the first time flyer must arrange his/her own third party public liability insurance cover, by joining the BMFA, prior to undertaking any further flying activity at our Club site.
By becoming a BMFA Member, you will be covered by up to £25 million per claim, providing cover worldwide for lawful recognised activity, you are not just limited to cover whilst attending a BMFA Club site or event site.
For further information about BMFA Liability Insurance Cover and FAQ's, please click on the BMFA logo below.

2019 Membership Fees
Senior £38
Junior £17
Family Senior £38
Family Partner £25
Family Junior £13